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Well I finally made it happen

Snag Customs has a new store! This has been a long process. I understand why so many small businesses do not have a formal web presence!

Originally I built my store on the Shopify platform. It’s not a bad platform. It gets you up and running fast and has some decent options. But there are things that are lacking for a shop like mine. Almost all of what I produce is custom manufactured for the customer. That brings a lot of challenges in file handling and ease of ordering for you.

The goal with any webpage should be basic: simple presentation of information, options, and expectations with an easy way to make a purchase. I hope that I have accomplished that today. You’ll notice that some things stayed the same and some things have changed. If you ever have a problem please reach out and let me know! I have tried to ensure that every detail has been covered but there are so many that surely something has been missed.

I pride myself on my work. I want this site to be a reflection of the level of care that I put into each order.

Thank you for coming here to shop. It means the world to me that you care enough to shop with a small business.
